
Spotlight Session: The Global B2B Consortium powered by eXchange

Wednesday, 20 September 2023
2:00 pm - 3:30 pm |    Add to calendar

Location: Stage A

This is an invite-only session. If you are interested in attending, please submit your interest here and we will be in touch.

TELUS, Accenture and Beyond Now have been collaborating to develop something revolutionary to help Communication Service Providers (CSPs) accelerate their portfolio development and grow B2B revenue faster. We call it: The B2B Consortium and we’d like to share it with you.

We connect ecosystem partners to bring innovative solutions to the global B2B & B2C market – by CSPs, for CSPs with trusted strategic partners. It is a collaboration between industry leaders and innovators, bringing the telecommunication ecosystem together to share, trial, develop and monetize technology solutions that support the digital needs of small-medium businesses, enterprises, vertical organization, consumers, and households.

​​​​​​TM Forum welcome 
Joann O’Brien, Vice President Digital Ecosystems, TM Forum

​​​​​​CxO Welcome

  • What’s today: what is it and why?
  • What is eXchange?
  • Why is it a game changer?

Jayne Landry, SVP Industry Solutions, TELUS
Angus Ward, CEO, Beyond Now
Andrew Walker, Global Communications & Media Industry Lead, Accenture

​​​​​​The power of the CSPs ecosystem
Moderator: Joann O’Brien, Vice President Digital Ecosystems, TM Forum
Mohammad Zoualfaghari, Global Technology Lead, AWS
Neil Van Seters, Vice President, Industry Application and Data Solutions, TELUS
Ryiuchi Matsuo, Board Member, Executive Officer, Platform Service Department, Network & Cloud Division, NTT Comware

​​​​​​The B2B Consortium: The story so far
Edsa Cabrera, Director, Emerging Tech and Innovation, Global B2B Ecosystem Consortium Lead & Architect, TELUS

eXchange in action

Edsa Cabrera, Director, Emerging Tech and Innovation, Global B2B Ecosystem Consortium Lead & Architect, TELUS


Andrew Walker

Global Communications & Media Industry Lead

Angus Ward

Beyond Now

Edsa Cabrera

Director, Emerging Tech and Innovation, Global B2B Ecosystem Consortium Lead & Architect

Jayne Landry

SVP Industry Solutions

Joann O’Brien

VP Digital Ecosystems
TM Forum

Mohammad Zoualfaghari

Global Technical Lead

Neil Van Seters

Vice President, Industry Application and Data Solutions

Ryuichi Matsuo

Execute Officer, Network & Cloud Division, Platform Services Department

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