Building a better future for all


Copenhagen is one of the greenest cities in the world and we want to do our part. Discover which sessions to attend that cover sustainability and network efficiency, and see what sustainability efforts we're doing to make DTW23 - Ignite a green event. 

Join us to drive the path to net zero 

How are CSPs transitioning their plans by making a digital shift towards greener networks and infrastructure?

The Sustainability program will address this shift, and the transition required to redesign networks to promote energy-efficient practices, balancing increased traffic with intelligent networks, leveraging automation for streamlined operations, and addressing the burden of legacy infrastructure.  

Join our curated program covering sustainability and network efficiency including:  

  • The roadmap to net zero 
  • Making the digital transition to greener networks and infrastructure 
  • The purpose-led telco: Staying true to company values and why social impact and community trust matters 
  • Taking a holistic approach to secure network energy and sustainability performance  
  • Using digital twins to reduce energy costs  
  • Deploying an end-to-end AI-powered solution to lower energy consumption   

Sessions not to miss:

Initiatives to make DTW23 - Ignite a green event

Refill, again and again

Consider bringing your own water bottle for your time in Copenhagen. Danish tap water is world-class quality. Water stations will be set up in various locations.   

To give back, anyone who brings their own water bottle and presents at registration, TM Forum and the sponsor will give a donation to a non-profit helping to ensure every person has access to reliable and safe water.


Finding a sustainable place to stay in Copenhagen is actually easier than finding a non-sustainable one, as the majority of all the city’s hotel rooms hold an official eco-certification. 

  • Remember to turn off the lights and turn down the AC before leaving your hotel room.  
  • Conserve water by doing your part to keep your showers short and shut off the water while brushing your teeth.  

Eat locally

All food provided during the event will be fresh and locally sourced.  

Lunch ware served to our attendees is 100% compostable. 

Stop single use plastic

Copenhagen is one of the greenest cities in the world and we want to do our part. The event will reduce its single-use plastic consumption including bags and straws.

Green on the go

The city is encouraging green mobility by switching from diesel to electric buses, and the compact city center makes walking & cycling easy.  

Copenhagen is one of the world’s most bike-friendly cities with 49% of locals commuting by bike every day. 

  • When booking staff flights, TM Forum will donate to the airlines’ carbon offset partner. 
  • We ask you to book non-stop flights whenever you can; it's the takeoffs and landings that create most of an airplane's carbon emissions.
  • Consider flying with one of the 30+ IATA member airlines who offer carbon offset programs.  
  • Arrive to the venue each day on foot, or travel like a true Copenhagener and arrive by bicycle. 

Sort and bin it

Sorting waste, when possible, bins are located throughout the venue and the city.