
Features & opinions | AI, Automation, Autonomous Operations, Cloud Native, Nokia

Elevating CSPs up the Value Chain with AI-Driven Autonomous Operations

August 24, 2023 | DTW news room

The telecom industry is changing rapidly, driving communication service providers (CSPs) to center business strategies around three core objectives: 

  • Streamline operations for cost savings 
  • Capture new revenue opportunities 
  • Transform the customer experience 

In Nokia’s Cloud and Network Services (CNS) group, we understand it’s critical to run AI-driven autonomous operations to support networks that sense, think, and act; to achieve this, CSPs must invest in automation, network slicing, and artificial intelligence (AI).

So, let’s explore the role these technologies play in driving success in the expanding digital ecosystem. 

The $6.2 billion network automation market: The first step in transforming your business 

The first step towards autonomous operations is integrating automation into the network, from infrastructure to network operations to service delivery. CSPs will have unique requirements when it comes to automating their networks, dependent on their cloud-native maturity. Here at CNS, we understand software and networks, so we’re well-positioned to help our CSP customers in their network automation journey.  

Nokia’s Digital Operations software, AI & Analytics portfolio, and award-winning Intent-based catalyst position us as a leader in Autonomous Operations. To back this up, Appledore Research ranked us #1 in the lucrative $6.2 billion network automation software (NAS) market. As if that weren’t proof enough, we secured the top spot in the coveted AIOps segment, too.  

The $3.2 billion network slicing opportunity: Personalized connectivity at its smartest 

According to IDC, worldwide revenue from 5G slicing services will reach $3.2 billion in 2026, up 400% from 2022. Network slicing could be a game-changer for service providers. Imagine CSPs being able to divide their network infrastructure into multiple virtual networks, each custom-tailored to meet specific enterprise requirements. In doing so, CSPs can offer differentiated services with varying levels of bandwidth, latency, and security – tapping into new revenue streams.  

At Nokia, we can leverage our network-slicing capabilities to support tailored solutions to consumers and businesses in sectors like healthcare, transportation, and manufacturing – and we’ll have exciting updates to share on that front in the coming months.   

Telco AI: A $34 billion revolution 

The telco industry is experiencing a revolution thanks to AI and machine learning (ML). Based on multiple sources, the market for AI in telecom is set to explode; one public data point has the market reaching $34 billion within the decade.  

By harnessing the vast amounts of data that networks generate, CSPs will gain invaluable insights to optimize costs and transform CX. AI/ML algorithms can predict and prevent network outages, identify security threats, and enable proactive maintenance. Of utmost priority is meeting sustainability goals and reducing energy consumption with AI-driven software – and Nokia’s AVA Energy Efficiency solution is positioned to help meet this strategic objective.  

With our AVA AI & Analytics portfolio, we’re fully armed with customer testimonials and awards indicating that we’re on the right path for our customers. We’re even considered a “Mobile AI Trailblazer”, and have every intention of living up to that name with our AI & Analytics value proposition.  

On a broader AI scale, Generative AI (GenAI) is rapidly advancing. Nokia is enthusiastic about GenAI’s potential to reduce costs, unlock new revenues, and enhance the customer experience. We believe GenAI will offer both new opportunities and enhancements to existing AI use cases. 

Final Thoughts 

When it comes to running AI-driven autonomous operations, it’s crucial to emphasize the value automation, network slicing, and AI brings to CSPs. These technologies allow CSPs to tackle the challenges of the 5G era head-on, ensuring streamlined operations for stronger business agility. With our AVA Autonomous Operations solutions, Nokia delivers networks that sense, think, and act. This empowers CSPs, neutral hosts, and enterprises to fast-track their digital transformation journey and truly transform their business.  

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