speaker bio

Fawad Qureshi

Global Industry Field CTO - Snowflake

Fawad is a results-driven technology leader with 20+ years of experience in across 50+ countries. He excels in enterprise data warehouses, big data analytics, and shared economy business models. Currently serving as Global Industry Field CTO, Fawad advises C-level executives across diverse sectors on leveraging data and technology to drive success. His expertise in data monetization, data as a service, and data products enables him to develop innovative strategies that fuel revenue growth. Passionate about sustainability, Fawad utilizes data and analytics to achieve impactful business outcomes and foster positive environmental change. By unlocking the strategic value of data assets, he empowers organizations to thrive in the data-driven economy. 

Tuesday 19 September | 1:15 pm - 2:25 pm | CET
Moonshot Catalyst Session: Greening the digital frontier: Pioneering low-carbon networks for a sustainable tomorrow
Wednesday 20 September | 11:05 am - 11:40 am | CET
Loft sessions: AI at Scale