speaker bio

Mark Newman

Chief Analyst - TM Forum

Mark is chief analyst at TM Forum with 30 years of experience of working with telecoms operators and their technology suppliers. His speciality areas is the transformation of the telecoms operator business and the focus on building out new products, services and revenue streams.

Mark heads up TM Forum’s Research & Media team which produces more than 25 in-depth research reports per year focussed on all aspects of the telecoms operator business.

Mark is also a regular speaker at global events on the telecoms sector. 

Previously Mark was Chief Research Officer at independent research firm Ovum.

Tuesday 19 September | 11:00 am - 12:30 pm | CET
Keynotes: The future network: driving scalability, sustainability and monetization
Wednesday 20 September | 8:15 am - 10:30 am | CET
Opening Headliners
Wednesday 20 September | 4:00 pm - 5:00 pm | CET
Xchange Session: Test your knowledge and meet your peers: The Global Revenue Report interactive quiz